The World Through My Eyes!

There is Power in Numbers

There is Power in Numbers

There is Power in Numbers

There is power in numbers. We've all heard this. As someone seeking to win a public office election, I can tell you that this is very true. The message I have was not being heard until I got numbers on my side. As soon as that happened, my message began to spread like wildfire. It is no different with issues facing small businesses today.

I started What's Up Orange County? because as a small business owner I could see the struggles clearly and knew the only way to tackle the issues was to gather up like-minded people. Only by lobbying Sacramento will we small business owners be heard. We have to get together and show we have the numbers to use our vote as leverage against the legislators who keep adding more and more regulations that burden us. We need to work together to be successful. This is why I offer free advertising to anyone who is a guest on What's Up Orange County? — I want to be part of the solution.

By leveraging the strength in numbers and by working together, we have a great opportunity to change and eliminate some of the regulations that tie our hands as small business owners. The strength in numbers philosophy is something people pay attention to.

We will be meeting regularly to discuss and strategize around this issue. If you want to be part of the movement, contact us and let us know. If you are interested in being interviewed on What's Up Orange County? take a moment to submit a request for an “Information/Discovery Call” so we can chat about your business and prepare for an actual interview. Numbers don't guarantee success, but they do guarantee support and strength. Are you with me?