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Instagram for Small Business

Reasons to Instagram for Small Business

Instagram for Small Business

Instagram for small business–a topic many small business owners just don't understand, but really should. There are 12 reasons to Instagram for small business. An examination of these 12 reasons should make any small business owner jump on the Instagram bandwagon.

  1. Instagram allows you to reach 100% of your followers while Facebook only allows you to reach 6%.
  2. Instagram's engagement is 58 times more than Facebook and 120 times more than Twitter.
  3. Instagram is easy to use with next to no learning curve.
  4. In 2016, Instagram had 23% growth compared to 1.8% growth for Facebook and a loss of users for Twitter.
  5. Instagram is distributed equally amongst iPhone and Android users.
  6. Instagram currently has 800-plus million active monthly users.
  7. Organic engagement has grown by 115% on Instagram as compared to a 63% decrease in organic engagement on Facebook.
  8. The average order is $65 on Instagram versus only $55 on Facebook.
  9. Instagram's growth rate continues to double every other smartphone ap.
  10. Instagram is extremely effective at deleting fake or spam accounts.
  11. 96% of marketers use Facebook, while only 36% use Instagram (meaning you have to complete with a third of the online marketers when using Instagram).
  12. The average Instagram account grows in followers by 16% per month (nearly 200% per year).

These are some impressive things that mean Instagram for small business is essential. The above list is a dream come true for any small business. It brings to mind companies like Switchbox Media, who assist their clients with Instagram for small business. Switchbox understands that Instagram for small business will help to increase sales and they help small business owners effectively run campaigns on Instagram.

“Anybody right now who isn't spending a disproportionate amount of time trying to figure out the hashtag culture, the Instagram ad product, organic Instagram posting, working with Instagram influencers is making a huge mistake to not set their business up properly in the 2018-2019 world. We haven't even seen the real revenue come in from Instagram yet. It's a beast. It is the current social network. ” — Gary Vaynerchuk

Instagram for small business is something we all need to face and attack. We need a strategy around that and we must execute the strategy effectively.

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