Michael loves to read. He generally has 4 or 5 books going at one time. He just enjoys soaking up knowledge and improving his vocabulary.
Michael's reading involves fiction and non-fiction books. Reading at least 1 hour every day is how Michael approaches life.
In the right column you will see some of Michael's favorite books. As you can no doubt see, his book tastes are varied.
Michael is currently reading...
Michael is on Goodreads
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The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson is Michael's favorite book of all-time. Get information about the book on Goodreads.
Bluefishing by Steve Sims is one of Michael's favorite business books because it has the attitude that anything is possible. Get information about the book on Goodreads.
Michael loves lifting weights and that is why Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe is one of his all-time favorite books. Get information about the book on Goodreads.